Climate ADAPT

Description "Climate-ADAPT organises information at the following main entry points: -EU policy: EU adaptation policy, adaptation in EU policy areas (agriculture, biodiversity, coastal zones, forests, water management, marine and fisheries, ecosystem-based approaches, disaster risk reduction, buildings, energy, transport, health, urban), EU regional policy -Countries, Transnational Regions, Cities -Knowledge: Topics, Data and indicators, Research and...

Piattaforma Nazionale Adattamento Cambiamenti Climatici

Description The Platform intends to foster the exchange of information between the Central Administration, Local Authorities and all stakeholders, starting with citizens, on the issue of climate change adaptation, thus representing the main information tool in Italy on this topic.

Übers Klima reden

Description "Germany Talks Climate" provides an evidence-based toolkit designed to support any organzation that wants to engage the German public on climate change. It aims to promote the understanding of values-based climate communications and to contribute to a wider, solutions-oriented climate discourse in Germany. Opinions on climate change in Germany are currently...

Urban Adaption map Viewer

Description The aim of this map viewer is to provide an overview of the current and future climate hazards facing the European cities, the vulnerability of the cities to these hazards and their adaptive capacity. The map viewer collates information from various sources on the observed and projected spatial distribution and...

Urban Adaption Support Tool

Description The aim of the Urban Adaptation Support Tool (UAST) is to assist cities, towns and other local authorities in developing, implementing and monitoring climate change adaptation plans. The UAST was developed as a practical guidance for urban areas, in recognition of their importance in the European economy. The Urban Adaptation...