Carbon Calculator Spain

Description Know the emissions of your trip by entering travel and accommodation data and the tool will calculate the carbon footprint of your trip

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Description The carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a person, organization, or community. It tells us how much the human activity is contributing to climate change. Carbon footprints are usually reported in tons of carbon...

Climate Game

Description The game helps the player to better understand and track their own carbon footprint.

Climate Hero

Description ClimateHero is run by environmentally conscious entrepreneurs trying to do what they can to help tackle the defining issue of our generation. The first service that has been launched to heed that call is ClimateHero’s Climate Calculator, whose purpose is to help the planet’s inhabitants easily understand their climate impact...

CO2 calculator of the Federal Environment Agency

Description website that asks questions in order to calculate individual carbon footprints.Website also calculated the personal CO2-szenario and gives opportunity to save result so that it can be compared after having made some changes towards a more climate-friendly lifestyle

CO2 footprint calculator, Climate calculator

Description tips on how to reduce the personal carbon footprint with the topics of climate protection, preventing plastic, saving energy, sustainable consumption, climatefriendly travelling,

Eron Forestry Carbon Footprint Calculator

Description This carbon footprint calculator was implemented in the framework of the project 'North Hungary in Transition'. The carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a person, organization, or community. It tells us how much the...


Description FRED calculates the carbon footprint of products and companies, currently focussing on forging companies, but other industry-specific versions will follow. Calculations are based on data from real industrial operations and show direct reduction potentials. The tool is certified according to ISO 14067 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.


Description The questions selected are as simple as possible and provide a meaningful indication of a certain environmental behavior in the four asked areas. In line with the results, Its strength is its brevity. It is meant to arouse curiosity and desire for a more intensive study of the topic and...

GreenDependent Carbon Footprint Calculator

Description The carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a person, organization, or community. It tells us how much the human activity is contributing to climate change. Carbon footprints are usually reported in tons of carbon...


Description klimo is an app that helps you to sustainably advance climate protection in your city and reduce your CO2 emissions. With klimo you can calculate your footprint, update it and reduce it bit by bit with the help of challenges. Sustainable projects encourage you to support regional climate protection and to...

L'Association pour la transition Bas Carbone (ABC)

Description At the heart of the fight against climate change since 2011 with the Bilan Carbone® method, ABC raises awareness, provides training, federates and gives concrete means of action to organizations and citizens to succeed in their low-carbon transition. So, whether you're a citizen looking to understand and reduce your impact...


Description Information and communication technology causes high energy and ressource consumption as well as increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Lifestyle@pro-Klima wants to optimise the use of information and communication technology in order to save energy and reduce emissions. The project develops, materials and tools for this purpose

North Hungary in Transition Carbon Footprint calculator

Description A carbon footprint calculator for adults. The carbon footprint is used to measure the impact of human activities on the environment. This way we can calculate our contribution to global warming. This calculator takes into account the household energy consumption, the use of electricity, natural gas and other fuels, transport...

Nos gestes climat

Description The climate is warming, but what is our impact as individuals? The carbon footprint of the consumption will give you the answer.: For each item of consumption, we count the greenhousegas emissions over its life cycle. As you answer the questions on all aspect, the weight of each of your...

Transport carbon footprint

Description The carbon footprint is part of the ecological footprint and is also the fastest growing component. With the calculator you can estimate the contribution of your lifestyle to the greenhouse gas emissions caused by transport. We can also determine how much we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by using different...

What is your Ecological Footprint?

Description With simple questions and with the possibility to add details to improve the accuracy of the test individuals can calculate their ecological footprint.