Carbon Monitor Cities

Description Carbon Monitor Cities is an online CO2 emissions dataset developed by a group of universities and climate technology firms. It provides near-real-time daily city-level CO2 emissions data for 1500 cities in 46 countries.


Description The need for a CO2 balance sheet at municipal level arises specifically in the context of the Covenant of Mayors - the Covenant of Mayors - which foresees the elaboration of an Action Plan for the reduction of CO2 emissions on the basis of such a balance sheet. ECORegion could...

Google Environmental Insights Explorer

Description Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) is a free data analysis and statistics tool. It uses exclusive data sources and modeling capabilities that help cities and regions measure emission sources, conduct analysis, and develop strategies to reduce emissions, providing a foundation for effective action. With EIE, engaged decision-makers open to change can make...


Description klimo is an app that helps you to sustainably advance climate protection in your city and reduce your CO2 emissions. With klimo you can calculate your footprint, update it and reduce it bit by bit with the help of challenges. Sustainable projects encourage you to support regional climate protection and to...


Description This project maps CO2 emissions across Europe. The aim is to estimate an emissions inventory for each of the ~116 000 administrative jurisdictions across Europe and the UK. The model spatially disaggregates each country's official (Eurostat) CO2 emissions inventory to places using OpenStreetMap. Vehicle emissions are attributed across fuel stations, train...

Stadtwandel Konstanz CO2 calculator

Description The CO2 balance shows you how large your CO2 footprint is today and where you are already avoiding CO2. Within the framework of the Constance Climate Fund, you can easily and directly make a voluntary compensation contribution for your CO2 emissions.