Autarky rate tool

Description The so-called Autarky Rate Tool was developed as a part of the Store4HUC project. This very useful simple online tool is available for everyone who considers installing electrical storage solutions in combination with renewable energy sources. With only a few numbers, the user can get an evaluation of the technical,...


Description Climate change ACT offers measures in 10 areas to adapt to expected developments. From buildings to water supply municipalities learn how to act on heat, dryness, snow, heavy rain, floods, storms, rockfalls and temperature rise.

Circular city index

Description Four key areas are analysed to define the level of circular maturity: digitalisation, environment and energy, mobility and waste. For each of them, scores are assigned - defined on the basis of comparisons with national and European regulations or guidelines - that assess the degree of implementation of policies and...


Description Familles à Energie Positive is the name of a competition held throughout France in cities and towns. First, volunteer teams are formed; these are often families led and accompanied by a captain. The teams make a bet to reduce their energy and water consumption by at least 8%, especially during...

Climate ADAPT

Description "Climate-ADAPT organises information at the following main entry points: -EU policy: EU adaptation policy, adaptation in EU policy areas (agriculture, biodiversity, coastal zones, forests, water management, marine and fisheries, ecosystem-based approaches, disaster risk reduction, buildings, energy, transport, health, urban), EU regional policy -Countries, Transnational Regions, Cities -Knowledge: Topics, Data and indicators, Research and...

Climate Alliance Compass

Description The Climate Alliance Compass helps a community to evaluate its local climate protection activities itself and inspires them with new ideas for their work. The tool provides a basis for continuous documentation and analysis of activities in the area of ​​climate protection and global justice.

Climate Campaigners

Description The Climate Campaigners app offers several challenges that can help you live more CO₂-neutral. you can choose between various challenges, from waste reduction to greener mobility. There are also tips and inspiration for tracking and analyzing your CO₂ savings as well as calculating your footprint. For each challenge there are...

CO2 footprint calculator, Climate calculator

Description tips on how to reduce the personal carbon footprint with the topics of climate protection, preventing plastic, saving energy, sustainable consumption, climatefriendly travelling,

Data Portal for Cities

Description Data Portal for Cities is an open data platform, hosted by the Global Covenant of Mayors in collaboration with WRI, that provides activity data and emission factors to enable cities to calculate their GHG inventory. It aims to help cities fill critical information gaps by providing estimates of previously unavailable...

desuto - Decision Support Tool

Description Preliminary guidance for high-performance renovations This tool supports those interested in high-performance renovation with preliminary guidance. The tool poses questions about the specific building as well as its occupants and the renovation objectives in terms of energy efficiency, costs and sustainability. On this basis, the tool proposes potential solutions that can...

Earthday quizzes

Description website with different quizzes on clean energy, climate change, regenerative agriculture, ...

Ecological Footprint calculator for High School students

Description An ecological footprint calculator for adults. The ecological footprint calculator is an economic indicator calculation tool that provides a uniform measure of the environmental needs of a country, region or activity. It quantifies how much resources, land, water, air, are needed to maintain the standard of living. The individual ecological...


Description The ECOPROFIT database is used by companies to establish the environmental report for the ECOPROFIT certification process and monitor their environmental and climate performance. Beside the improvement of the KPIs and all relevant consumptions the heart of the report are the implemented and planned environmental and climate protection measures.


Description The need for a CO2 balance sheet at municipal level arises specifically in the context of the Covenant of Mayors - the Covenant of Mayors - which foresees the elaboration of an Action Plan for the reduction of CO2 emissions on the basis of such a balance sheet. ECORegion could...


Description Energiemosaik provides energy demand and GHG emissions for every municipality in Austria. At its core are five sectors - housing, agriculture & forestry, industry, services and mobility. The information is presented in maps, tables, graphs and portfolios which are summaries of the results and can be downloaded. It is not...

Energy efficiency solutions for historic buildings

Description The manual for the energy renovation of historic buildings is based on principles of building physics and at the same time takes into account the criteria for the preservation of historic fabric. In a holistic approach, from the initial diagnosis to clear and pragmatically designed interventions, three principles of the...


Description The aim of this website is to promote transparent and objective discussions relating to all factors regarding the energy transformation. The site allows us to interactively customize the graphs to our own needs: We can select one or more energy sources or switch between graphs with absolute or percent values....


Description EPAH is a course open to all stakeholders interested in addressing energy poverty. It provides an overview of energy poverty from a practical–political perspective. The course is open to all, and no prerequisites are needed.

ES-PA ENEA’s platform

Description Through a systemic action, the Project intends to offer policy and implementation tools that, although general in nature, can be adapted to individual needs and diversified, thus leading to a permanent strengthening of regional and local government administrative structures. By means of 47 activities referring to specific thematic areas and 4...

ESG Cockpit

Description As a sustainability management tool ESG-Cockpit supports you to consolidate your environmental, social and governance data with maximum flexibility according to all common international sustainability standards, especially due to its scalability. The graphical user interface facilitates data input and comprehensibility. Thanks to flexible configuration, designable, transparent and comprehensible evaluations, your...

European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet)

Description The Concept of a European Environment Information and Observation NetworkTaking up its work in 1994, Eionet has become a well-known and trusted provider of high‑quality data, information and environmental assessments for Europe.The concept of Eionet encompasses the following defining elements: Strong institutional cooperation across national, regional, European, and international levels...

EuroPHit energy, step-by-step retrofits

Description brochure, which is EU funded, draws on the lessons of demonstration projects implementing deep energy retrofits in a step-bystep manner across 11 EU Member States. These have been developed to the EnerPHit Standard – the Passive House retrofit Standard. As regards retrofits the time now has come to shift a...

Interactive educational games - energy and climate change

Description "Children can discover how an electrical circuit works and test which materials conduct electricity. Do you know the most important rules for handling electricity? What are fossil and renewable energies? How does climate change affect us? Research the causes and the consequences and find out what we can do about it! Find...


Description Klimareporter provides the reader with the latest climate crisis and energy transition news. A podcast is also available.

Klimaschutz-Planer/Climate Protection Planer

Description Climate Alliance’s Klimaschutz-Planer (Climate Protection Planner) is the recommended emissions inventory and monitoring instrument for member municipalities in Germany. Climate Alliance feeds this web-based tool with updated statistics, factors and other data. Municipalities may use this valuable data as is or improve upon it where possible with local level information....


Description Klimaschutz-Praxis is an online database for best practice examples. It contains real life examples in various fields of climate action. Users can search for examples from other municipalities or put their examples in as well. With these examples it is possible to create a climate tour.

Kötháló Ecological Footprint calculator

Description The ecological footprint calculator is an economic indicator calculation tool that provides a uniform measure of the environmental needs of a country, region or activityIt quantifies how much resources, land, water, air, are needed to maintain the standard of living. The individual ecological footprint includes the household energy consumption, the...


Description LIFE-BECKON stimulates and boosts the deployment of Energy Communities across Europe by developing and delivering comprehensive support mechanisms for public authorities, promoters and Local Action Groups to better equip them to facilitate the creation of Energy Communities, therefore answering to clear needs and known barriers. The comprehensive support mechanism includes...


Description Information and communication technology causes high energy and ressource consumption as well as increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Lifestyle@pro-Klima wants to optimise the use of information and communication technology in order to save energy and reduce emissions. The project develops, materials and tools for this purpose

Meine Stromwerkstatt

Description Meine Stromwerkstatt asks children to fulfill tasks in connection with energy supply which offers the opportunity to learn about energy by playing.

MNB Ecological Footprint calculator

Description The ecological footprint calculator is an economic indicator calculation tool that provides a uniform measure of the environmental needs of a country, region, or activity. It quantifies how much resources, land, water, air, are needed to maintain the standard of living. The individual ecological footprint includes the household energy consumption,...

MYM2 - Der Flächenrechner

Description With the MYM2 area calculator, you can calculate how much arable land is used for dishes. How does it work? Very uncomplicated: simply enter the ingredients used in the corresponding quantities and the required area is automatically indicated. But not only that! The eaten dish is also put into relation...

North Hungary in Transition Carbon Footprint calculator

Description A carbon footprint calculator for adults. The carbon footprint is used to measure the impact of human activities on the environment. This way we can calculate our contribution to global warming. This calculator takes into account the household energy consumption, the use of electricity, natural gas and other fuels, transport...

Our World in Data

Description Platform shows data about the following topics: Population and Demographic Change, Health, Energy and Environment, Food and Agriculture, Poverty and Economic Development, Education and technological Change, Living Conditions / Community / Wellbeing, Human Rights and Democracy, Violence and War. The data source are researchers worldwide.

Passipedia - Die Wissensdatenbank

Description Passipedia offers a veritable collection of studies, guidance, and literature on passive houses as an online data base.

Passive House Planning Package (PHPP)

Description The planning tool PHPP is a clear energy efficiency planning tool for architects and professional planners based on MS Excel. Several thousand users have positive experience with the reliability of the calculation results - both for energy efficient new buildings and highly efficient building renovations. With PHPP version 10, numerous...

Pathways for Austria

Description Depending on the pathway chosen - 1 very low effort to 4 very ambitious effort - you see how GHG emissions and energy/electricity demand and supply develop between 2020 and 2050. The tool uses annual averages and focuses on transport, residential and industry as demand sectors as well as electricity...


Description PROTECT supports urgent action for climate adaptation, mitigation and resilience. It enables public authorities to use state-of-the-art public procurement approaches in order to identify solutions – climate services based on Earth Observation – that best fit the specific and systemic needs of the public demand. The focus is on five...


Description The project aims to minimise some of the impacts of housing renovation, such as logistical, financial and legal, without losing sight of the social dimension with issues such as safety and comfort.


Description Resys helps to quickly estimate a municipality's energy demand and its development over time (temporal resolution ofone hour) for the following demand sectors: residential, industry, infrastructure and mobility- the potential for the energy supply from renewables (achievable yields, time curve,investment cost)- in how far supply matches demand taking account any...


Description Local and regional governments are in an ideal position to take action against energy poverty (they have a direct dialogue with the citizens and are super-parties with respect to the energy market). EPAH will support local governments, to play an active and significant role in addressing energy poverty by providing learning opportunities...

SHAREs - Knowledge space for energy communities

Description This Gateway is the central point where you can find all you need to set up or expand your energy community. You can find here for example best practices, financing opportunities for investment, a collection of national and international websites, calculators and other online tools to support citizen energy actions.

Step-by-Step retrofits with Passive House components

Description handbook about the energy-relevant aspects of step-by-step building modernisation for planning and realising a building retrofit project. The focus of the content is on solutions for the cool, temperate climate (e.g. of Central Europe). Instructions for other climates are also given in some places.

WWF Hungary Ecological Footprint calculator

Description The ecological footprint calculator is an economic indicator calculation tool that provides a uniform measure of the environmental needs of a country, region or activity. It quantifies how much resources, land, water, air, are needed to maintain the standard of living. The individual ecological footprint includes the household energy consumption,...