Description The need for a CO2 balance sheet at municipal level arises specifically in the context of the Covenant of Mayors - the Covenant of Mayors - which foresees the elaboration of an Action Plan for the reduction of CO2 emissions on the basis of such a balance sheet. ECORegion could...


Description Energiemosaik provides energy demand and GHG emissions for every municipality in Austria. At its core are five sectors - housing, agriculture & forestry, industry, services and mobility. The information is presented in maps, tables, graphs and portfolios which are summaries of the results and can be downloaded. It is not...

Enersis Gaia Platform

Description Gaia CO2balance is an online map-based platform developed by Enersis Climate Intelligence providing data on annual emissions and emissions change to over 1,800 cities in Germany, Switzerland, Portugal and the Netherlands.


Description Everimpact, a company backed by the European Commission and the Asian Development Bank, combines public satellite data and ground sensor data to help cities measure their GHG emissions, track their emissions reduction in real-time and attract financing from the voluntary carbon market to finance further decarbonisation investments.

Futureproofed Cities

Description Futureproofed Cities is an online city carbon management platform built by climate tech company Futureproofed to measure, reduce and report GHG emissions for cities. Futureproofed Cities supports the creation of GHG emissions inventories, climate goal setting, digital collaboration, monitoring of progress, and stakeholder engagement for over 200 cities worldwide.

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guide

Description This guide provides an overview of GHG emissions-monitoring tools and data sets that enable cities around the world to access emissions data to help build their inventories; and best practice recommendations on how and when to use them. Cities can use these tools to get started or progress their transition...

Klima:aktiv Siedlungs-Check

Description The Klima:aktiv Siedlungs-Check is based on the aim of the Austrian government to reach climate neutrality in 2040. Settlements and quarters can be evaluated in its planning and implementation phases of the construction processes regarding reaching climate aims and causing ghg emissions. Compared to the thresholds in the klimaaktiv standard...

Klimaschutz-Planer/Climate Protection Planer

Description Climate Alliance’s Klimaschutz-Planer (Climate Protection Planner) is the recommended emissions inventory and monitoring instrument for member municipalities in Germany. Climate Alliance feeds this web-based tool with updated statistics, factors and other data. Municipalities may use this valuable data as is or improve upon it where possible with local level information....

Pathways for Austria

Description Depending on the pathway chosen - 1 very low effort to 4 very ambitious effort - you see how GHG emissions and energy/electricity demand and supply develop between 2020 and 2050. The tool uses annual averages and focuses on transport, residential and industry as demand sectors as well as electricity...


Description With ProNaWi consumers learn about the sustainable impact of products. GHG emissions are added to other product information such as price and quantity, This additional information creates a prerequisite for the development of effective steering instruments. Furthermore it facilitates consumer decisions based on sustainability aspects.