
Description These "warming strip" graphs are visual representations of temperature change as measured in each country, region or city over the last 100+ years. Each strip or bar represents the temperature in that country, region, or city averaged over one year. The stripes usually begin around 1900 and end in 2022,...


Description website that shows different aspects of biodiversity in shape of colourful stripes like freshwater, British farmland birds, global warming and biodiversity loss, use of the word "Nature"

La Fresque du Climat

Description A french association that has developed a very efficient awareness method. The goal is to raise public awareness about global warming. It is a participative game where the participants develop together a map where the mechanisms of climate change are summarized and explained (based on IPCC facts).

North Hungary in Transition Carbon Footprint calculator

Description A carbon footprint calculator for adults. The carbon footprint is used to measure the impact of human activities on the environment. This way we can calculate our contribution to global warming. This calculator takes into account the household energy consumption, the use of electricity, natural gas and other fuels, transport...

WTF is Climate Change

Description The booklet aims to make one ready to become part of the solution to the global warming problem. It contains all the necessary (and more) information about the causes and effects of climate change. Furthermore, at the end of the booklet, one finds a list of suggestions for what one...