Autarky rate tool

Description The so-called Autarky Rate Tool was developed as a part of the Store4HUC project. This very useful simple online tool is available for everyone who considers installing electrical storage solutions in combination with renewable energy sources. With only a few numbers, the user can get an evaluation of the technical,...

Earthday quizzes

Description website with different quizzes on clean energy, climate change, regenerative agriculture, ...


Description The aim of this website is to promote transparent and objective discussions relating to all factors regarding the energy transformation. The site allows us to interactively customize the graphs to our own needs: We can select one or more energy sources or switch between graphs with absolute or percent values....


Description LIFE-BECKON stimulates and boosts the deployment of Energy Communities across Europe by developing and delivering comprehensive support mechanisms for public authorities, promoters and Local Action Groups to better equip them to facilitate the creation of Energy Communities, therefore answering to clear needs and known barriers. The comprehensive support mechanism includes...

Passipedia - Die Wissensdatenbank

Description Passipedia offers a veritable collection of studies, guidance, and literature on passive houses as an online data base.