

Our 4th Digital Climate Summits was held successfully and we’re happy to present you all the presentations here:

The video of this and further sessions can be found on our Cinamon YouTube channel. Those international meetings,
dedicated to climate managers from municipalities and companies, covered a variety of themes and digital tools like climate communication via Poetry Slam or urban nature planning with digital tools, as well as crowdfunding for sustainable investments, up to citizen participation with digital tools like RADar for the planning of cycle routes.
Have a look! And let us know what was most interesting for you.

TPM in Rome

In mid-March, the CINAMON project team met, this time in Rome. At the same time, the first multiplier event took place, where the results of the project were presented to Italian stakeholders.

In the creative atmosphere of Villa Altieri – which dates back to the 17th century, but whose foundations are built on Roman ruins, we looked back on the successes achieved so far: a finished Climate Action Tool, an e-learning programme with finished content that just needs some layout work and the first multiplier event, which will be followed by three more. Nothing lasts forever, not even this project, so we focussed on the last open points that still need to be completed by the end of October.

Climate protection made easy with CAT! 

The Climate Action Tools are now online! CAT, short for Climate Action Tools, is a collection of tools for climate change mitigation. Through the innovative questionnaire, it’s easy to discover climate protection instruments for sustainable changes. Explore and shape a greener future with CAT!
Check it out!

Hooray – The run before the test run is over 

As part of our CINAMON project we have developed an e-learning – now it is publicly available here for the first time. To increase the quality we start with an English language test run with international participants. They are mainly from the project countries Italy, Austria, Germany and Hungary, but our course has even spread to Spain – thanks to the forwarded newsletters.

read more

2nd Cinamon Newsletter 

The first Cinamon E-Learning course for Climate Action and Digital Campaigns will be ready soon. Additionally we are working on CAT – the Climate Action Toolbox. CAT will give you insight into climate tools, as some of them are complex and demand time and resources to find out, if they match your requirements. Our aim is to simplify this process.
Find out more in our second newsletter.

The wait for the first online course will soon be over

The project team has been working together for a long time, developing and discarding ideas, and soon the first e-learning course for “DIGITAL CLIMATE ACTION AND CAMPAIGNING” will be available for the first test group.

From cars to cats 

In the application phase, we invented a “Climate Action Repository” – a smart database that collects tools that support in climate protection. Nobody paid attention to the abbreviation – now we have renamed it Climate Action Toolbox, and the mascot for it is now a cat. So the “CAR” now becomes “CAT”.

Project meeting in Budapest 

In February 2023, after many online meetings, it was time again. The team was allowed to meet for two internal days to advance the project results. We compared the modules for the first e-learning with the original ideas again – because exciting new things often emerge when collecting learning material. A joint sorting of the many contents now gives a common good picture in the six planned modules.

1st Newsletter is out 

What kind of information do climate managers need to
communicate about climate to their target groups.
How can climate communication address the people directly?
That are the basic questions of our first E-Learning course “Digital climate action and campaigning”, which is currently in progress. Take a look at the first newsletter for more details.

Project Meeting in Vienna 

Finally, in early July 2022, the first in-person project meeting took place. All partners were present, and being together at the same table brought a higher level of joy and motivation to work on the results.